Values Impact All
Aspects of Your Life

The most important foundation of empowering your life is knowing what’s most important to you

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Developed The Demartini

Why I Developed The Demartini Value Determination Process

Developed The Demartini

When I was 23 years of age and in professional school earning my doctorate degree, I came to realize how significant the hierarchy of values was in human perceptions, decisions, actions, drive and achievement.

I searched for and found various ways of determining what people called ‘values'. But the methods I discovered seemed to be way too subjective and socially ideal and were more geared to what individuals seemed to want to believe in, more so than the actual values they were making decisions and living by.

So I began researching and developing an alternative way to more objectively determine values so that social pressure and idealisms could be filtered out.

The Demartini Value Determination Process evolved over the years to what it is today. 13 questions that will clearly reveal what your life demonstrates as most valuable to you, your highest priorities or your hierarchy of highest values.

Dr John Demartini

What are your values?

Know thyself, be thyself, love thyself.
Greek tradition

True values are as specific to you as your fingerprint - they are the very essence of you: what you’re drawn to, what you inevitably seek out, what you live for.

They are a kind of internal compass, pointing you toward the activities, people, and places that most fulfill you and away from the situations and people that are likely to feel unfulfilling.

If you think of which activities and relationships truly nourish your innermost being, those are your highest values.

Just as no one else can choose your fingerprints - no parent, teacher, political leader, or religious figure - can define your values. Only you can look into your own mind, heart, and soul and discover what is truly most important to you.

What are your values?
What are your values?

Every human being lives moment by moment, with a set of priorities, a set of values, things that are most important to least important in their life. This set of values determines how they perceive, decide and act in life.

Whatever’s highest on that list of values, highest in priority, the thing that’s truly most important, most meaningful, most inspiring, most fulfilling in their life, they spontaneously, intrinsically are driven to fulfill it. And they see whatever happens along the way as feedback and `on the way` instead of `in the way` and failure. But as you go down the list of values, in the hierarchy values, you tend to procrastinate, hesitate, and frustrate in taking action.

Since each of us is unique and has a unique set of priorities or hierarchy of values, what is most important to you may be completely unimportant to someone else or vice versa. Your or their highest values or highest priorities may occur in any of the seven areas of life.

Values are derived from voids

Your true values arise from and are therefore determined by your conscious or unconscious voids (what you perceive as most missing in your life). Your empty feeling desires to be fulfilled.

What you perceive as most missing (void) in your life therefore becomes what you perceive as most important (value).

Your underlying private voids drive your overlying public values. Fulfillment means filling full your perceptually empty voids.

Contentment means filling your mental sphere of awareness with content. What is important to you is what you want to import into your sphere of awareness and influence. In all of us there exist voids, mysteries or unknowns that occur in the seven primary areas of life – spiritual, mental, vocational, financial, familial, social and physical.

our-values To some fulfilling their spiritual
mission is most important.
our-values To others expanding their mental faculties
and education is most important
our-values To others fulfilling their career and
business success is most important
our-values To others generating and accumulating
financial wealth is most important
our-values To others marriage and developing
a stable family is most important
our-values To others contributing to society and
becoming a leader is most important
our-values To still others keeping fit, handsome
or beautiful and maintaining health
is most important

Your values are basically things you perceive are missing that you want to fill. As Aristotle said, your emptiness drives your fulfillment. Your void drives your value. What is missing drives what is important.

Your values determine what you perceive to be more or less important

Whatever is intermediate between what is high and low on your list of values or hierarchy of values act as means to an end but not the end in mind. All other values below the highest value could be considered means to the end in mind, sometimes considered extrinsic values supporting the intrinsic most value or chief aim.

Whatever is lower on your list of values is where you require motivation from without to get you to do it because it is less important. It is where you procrastinate, hesitate and frustrate. It is where you are undisciplined, unreliable and scattered. It is where you have your greatest chaos, disorder and disorganization.

Whatever is highest on your values you are intrinsically driven from within because it is most important to you. It’s where you’re most disciplined, reliable and focused, it’s where you’re most adaptable and resilient. It’s where you have the greatest order and organization. It’s your most authentic, inspired self.


How your values impact your perceptions, decisions and actions

There are 3 things you have control over in your life: your PERCEPTIONS, DECISIONS, and ACTIONS.

You have the power to see how everything in your life is helping you fulfill what’s deeply meaningful to you. Taking command of your perceptions and linking whatever happens in your life to what you value most and prioritizing your actions according to your highest values will lead you to expand your self and life mastery.

Mastering your life begins with taking command of your PERCEPTIONS, DECISIONS, and ACTIONS. If you can manage your perceptions, make prioritized decisions and act on them, you can master the power of your mind to live a meaningful and purposeful life.

Anything you perceive as supporting your higher values you label as “good, or terrific”. It elates you and warms you up. Anything you perceive as challenging your higher values you label as “bad, or terrible”. It depresses you and cools you down.

Your current decisions are based upon every past experience that you labeled as being 'positive and supportive to' or 'negative and challenging to' your highest values, all of which remain 'stored' in what some psychologists have called your subconscious mind in the form of seeking impulses and avoiding instincts.

You fulfill a void and value through either a sensory perception or a motor action.

How do you determine your values?


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In order to determine your hierarchy of values all you are required to do is look truthfully at exactly what you do within your daily life. Your daily life demonstrates your true set of values first hand. Your daily life doesn’t lie. Literally, in everything you perceive or decide and act upon, your values are being demonstrated.

I have summarized into a simple format, a process, a method, or a way to determine your hierarchy of values or set of priorities. I call the method the Demartini Value Determination™ Process.

It includes thirteen (13) value determinants. These value determinants are reflections of what your actual life demonstrates to be truly important to you. You generally have space, time, energy and money for what is truly important to you at any moment in time.

Your set or hierarchy of values is constantly demonstrated by your life. You can’t avoid them, nor override them. Every decision you make is based upon your set of values / priorities. You are constantly making decisions according to what you think will give you the greatest advantage over disadvantage, greatest reward over risk in each moment.

Everything you sense and see is an opportunity according to your values. Everything you decide, and everything you act upon is based on your hierarchy of values. When you begin to contemplate and then determine your set of values, it is important to look honestly at what your life truly demonstrates.

Your answers will be based upon what are truly demonstrated to be the most important values in your life.

Your life’s demonstration speaks louder than your assumptions, hopes or idealisms.

Be sure to answer with what your life truly demonstrates and not what you hope, wish, desire them to be and not what you think or feel your society or family wants them to be.

You are neither good nor bad for your unique set of values. You are simply you. So write what is true about you. What does your life demonstrate as important to you? What do you value?

The more specific your answers, the greater will be your results and the sooner you will be able to take advantage of the power of the values factor.

Why values matter in coaching

If you coach a client in a way where they perceive they’re going to get their highest values met, they'll take on what you ask them to do, they’ll be focused, disciplined and intrinsically driven to do whatever it takes to achieve the goals you lay out for them to achieve. 

If you don’t master the ability to communicate in their highest values, they're going to resist you, because they're going to perceive you interfering with what they value most. Furthermore, aligning your clients to their own highest values means they no longer require outside motivation to take action.

Your client’s highest values are the key to immediate and lasting transformation.

Learn more about becoming a Demartini Values Facilitator here.

Knowing their highest values will give you insights into where and why they:

  • ✓ Take action or not
  • ✓ Flourish or flounder
  • ✓ Innovate or procrastinate
  • ✓ Adapt or resist
  • ✓ Focus or distract
  • ✓ Be disciplined or undisciplined
  • ✓ Lead or follow
  • ✓ Have foresight or hindsight
  • ✓ Be objective or reactive
  • ✓ Governed or ungoverned
  • ✓ Be authentic or inauthentic
  • ✓ Be inspired or uninspired

Stories from our students applying values

My whole vision shifted so that I could be clear about what I want to do with my life. Knowing my values helps me live my life with intent, and purpose, and clarity. Juan Odendal
Knowing my values has completely changed my perspective about life altogether. It has helped to embrace and enhance my unique talents, goals, behaviours and much more! Alandra C.
Understanding and aligning with your values is a life transformer. Justin Wiseman
Your Values Factor both changed and saved my life. Thank you Dr Demartini. Nombulelo Magwa

Values and social idealisms

Values dictate your destiny

Values and discipline

Values are reflected in your language

Your values determine your identity

The pursuit of passion leads to living by your lower values

Your mission or telos

Values and your patience and perseverance

Values and developing your executive function

Values and self-worth

Values and leadership

Values and space and time horizons

Values and goals

Values and business

Values and finance

Values and relationships

Values and empowering all 7 Areas of life

Examples of values

The 13 Value Determination questions

Changing values

Living by your highest values

Signs of not living with authenticity


Explore the topic of values with
Dr John Demartini

Understanding Core Values and The 7 Fears

Your ONE True, Highest, Most Intrinsic Value Versus Your Many Derivative Values

Example of How to Communicate What You Value in Terms of Someone Else's Values

Looking for more information? Contact us.

The Demartini Institute has offices in Houston Texas USA and in Fourways South Africa as well as representatives in Australia and New Zealand. The Demartini Institute partners with hosts in the UK, France, Italy and Ireland. For more information or to host Dr Demartini contact the office in SA or USA.

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